Hawaii–May 2013

Roman and I 60ft underwater!
For our wedding anniversary we took a trip to Hawaii, visiting Kauai and the Big Island.  I had been really looking forward to seeing this tropical state, but our experiences far surpassed my expectations!  A big part of our trip was completing our open water certification to become Scuba divers, so we spent quite a bit of time in the water.  It was an otherworldly experience – pictures and pool diving did not prepare me for just how big and amazing the ocean is and what it’s like to be part of that for even a little slice of time.  We also had the amazing opportunity to dive at night with manta rays – an absolutely incredible experience I will not forget!
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Beautiful coastline of Kauai. Orchids at a farm on Big Island. Amazing mantas at night (not my photo but from that dive).


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Kauai is incredibly full of feral chickens. The chickens are adorable and everywhere. Chickens with the best view ever. Best momma hen.
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Red-crested cardinal! Zebra dove at Hindu monastery. There were tame Kalij pheasants roaming all over! Endangered Nene goose.
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Gorgeous black sand beach. Sea turtle resting on the black sand. There were so many turtles here! Mahaulepu beach area rocks.
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Awesome bonsai garden at Fuku Bonsai, Big Island. David Fukumoto teaching us bonsai principles. Sea Turtle at Suck-em-up diving area. Not my photo – but this shows well what it looked like on the manta night dive.
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Not my photo – but this shows well what it looked like on the manta night dive. Amazing views from a trail in Koke’e state park. Panorama at Waimea. Napali coast by plane.
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Tiny baby day gecko. Terraced fields near Princeville. Old wooden canoe detailing. Hiking on the lava flats.
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Kilauea crater at night. Kilauea crater and caldera. Lava rock in Volcano national park. More interesting lava rock.
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Gorgeous lichen on the Alaka’I swamp trail. Sugar cane. Puuhonua-o-honaunau national park. Ocean Rider Seahorse farm.
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Holding a seahorse at Oceanrider. Amazing view from the flightseeing plane! Sea turtle resting at the black sand beach. Orchids at Akatsuka orchid farm.
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Spouting Horn, Kauai. Flying over Waimea. Grand canyon of the west! Another view of Waimea.
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Spouting Horn. Amazing waterfalls! Wailua Falls.  

Wonderful bed and breakfast we stayed at in Kauai: http://bedandbreakfastonkauai.com/

Incredible manta dives in Kona: http://www.konahonudivers.com/

Fuku bonsai and Hawaiian micro lobster farm: http://www.fukubonsai.com/

Akatsuka orchid farms: http://www.akatsukaorchid.com/