Welcome to Foxloft Studios!
Celebrating over 20 years of making tagua totem jewelry! We’ve made it our mission to help share our love of the animal world through our creative works. Please take a look around, learn more about us, check out our numerous art galleries, connect with your animal totem spirits, and allow us to inspire you!

Our newest project, “Visionary Vultures 3” is now available for pre-order! Support our wildlife rehabilitation work and treat yourself to some amazing art in the process!

Orders for our available, in-stock “Visionary Vultures” pins are currently available.

I'm incredibly glad that I commissioned you for this pendant as it's far surpassed my expectations and the scan you sent me doesn't begin to do your skill justice.
Adam Stevens, United Kingdom ( Read More...)
Hey there. So I got the pendant today in the mail. Looks great, much cooler when you can see all the little detail in person.
Matt Pate, B.C. Canada ( Read More...)