Czech Republic-April 2014

Pruhonice Gardens and Castle.

We went to the Czech Republic to visit family, bringing my sister Anna with for her first experience of Europe.

It was a wonderful visit!  We spent a few days in Prague, visited Cesky Krumlov, took a tour of the Budejovice beer factory (the original Budweiser beer, not to be confused with the inferior American version), and went to a bunch of smaller sites to give Anna a good flavor of the country with the time we had there. We also had the chance to visit a computer museum one of Roman’s friends is opening which had an amazing and extensive collection of old equipment.

The Czech Republic is a wonderful place which is feeling more and more like a bit of home every time I visit!

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Church of St. Nicholas. Tea shop. Roman and I.


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Finland and Russia–April 2014

Traditional reindeer farm in northern Finland.
Diving with beluga whales has been a dream of mine, and the only place in the world to do it is in the White Sea of Russia, so we planned a bit of a crazy trip there to do so. On the way we spent a few days in Finland, traveling around and visiting a reindeer farm where we learned a little about Finnish reindeer husbandry, which will hopefully help us with our farm setup in the future.  Finland was a beautiful place, it’s one of the few places I’ve traveled I could see myself living. The vast forests, the incredible landscapes felt so much like here at home in Minnesota. I can see why so many people from Scandinavia settled here. The Arctic Circle and northern Russia had breathtaking views and vast panoramic landscapes I will not forget. I hope to visit again and spend more time in both places! 
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Feeding a beluga whale in the White Sea of Russia. Sunset on the frozen White Sea. Ice does incredible things when a sheet of ocean ice is moved with a 12 ft tide.


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Crystal River, Florida Manatees – February 2014

Manatee checking me out.

I LOVE manatees. Advanced dive training took us to northern Florida during the winter, so we took the chance to snorkel with manatees on the Homosassa river, which was an incredible experience. These are wild manatees who choose to come up and interact with you (you don’t go to them) and they were incredibly inquisitive and friendly!

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They are so cute I can’t stand it! Each manatee has very unique skin. Surrounded by amazing animals!


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Caribbean Cruise–October 2013

Atlantic coast, Caribbean (St. Maarten).

Some friends asked me to help plan a Caribbean cruise – no need to twist my arm there! We went with a really fun group of people and visited Puerto Rico, Culebra, St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, and St. Maarten. We spent a large amount of our time diving at different sites, as well as exploring all over PR.  We had the chance to swim in the bioluminescent bay at Parguera, which was a treat, and we stayed with local folks (who knew where to find the best food, of course) in PR. If you ever go, check out the lechon (roast pork) in Guavate – it is a MUST for any trip to Puerto Rico! Definitely the best pork I’ve ever had anywhere. I’d fly out there for the weekend to just eat pork, it’s that good.


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Fort in Guanica dry forest, Puerto Rico. Neat detail in Arecibo. Mount Gay rum tour, Barbados.


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Shedd Aquarium Professional Animal Training Seminar – August 2013

Myself and a young beluga whale!

I was thrilled to get the chance to attend Ken Ramirez’s week long animal training seminar at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, it was a class I’ve been wanting to attend for years. Ken is an amazing trainer and teacher, his class was engaging, informative, and inspiring.  I’ve been lucky in my life to be involved in many facets of animal training, from police K-9 work, search and rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, companion parrot care and rescue, and working with my own animals.  I am committed to giving them the best possible care and enrichment and, for me, this class was a part of that continuing education and effort.  I also had the incredible opportunity to get in the water with beluga whales which was a really life-changing experience for me. Belugas are awesome!

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The belugas love Ken! A penguin training for encounter programs. A kiss from Ty the sea lion.


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Hawaii–May 2013

Roman and I 60ft underwater!
For our wedding anniversary we took a trip to Hawaii, visiting Kauai and the Big Island.  I had been really looking forward to seeing this tropical state, but our experiences far surpassed my expectations!  A big part of our trip was completing our open water certification to become Scuba divers, so we spent quite a bit of time in the water.  It was an otherworldly experience – pictures and pool diving did not prepare me for just how big and amazing the ocean is and what it’s like to be part of that for even a little slice of time.  We also had the amazing opportunity to dive at night with manta rays – an absolutely incredible experience I will not forget!
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Beautiful coastline of Kauai. Orchids at a farm on Big Island. Amazing mantas at night (not my photo but from that dive).


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Prague and Budejovice, CZ – September 2012

The famous ‘Dancing House’ in Prague.

After spending a few days in Paris, we made our way to the Czech Republic to visit family.  It was my fourth trip out, and we spent most of our time just relaxing in great company, but we also caught Mucha’s Slav Epic exhibition, which was amazing, and wandered around Cesky Budejovice a bit. We spent some time at the old Water Mill that Roman’s parents are working to restore, and went on a wild mushroom hunt (a very traditional and typical Czech seasonal event).  It was a memorable and rejuvenating trip!

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Hunting for edible mushrooms in the forest. I have a pigeon for you! The size of Mucha’s pieces was incredible!



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Paris and Provins, France–September 2012

Walking under the Eiffel tower at night.

For my 30th birthday, we took a trip to Paris.  I studied French language for many years growing up, and it had always been a dream to go to France and see this famous city, as well as getting a chance to practice out my rusty language skills.  We spent a few days exploring the city and took a day trip out to Provins to see the famous “Eagles of the Ramparts”  show, one of the largest and most well known falconry shows in Europe.  It was a beautiful medieval city and the show was spectacular, living up to its reputation! We had the chance to visit the Louvre and the Musee D’Orsay, which were highlights of the trip for me. It was amazing to see a lot of art in person that I’ve studied for years.

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An intricate wooden door at the Louve. An eagle handler in Provins. Notre Dame cathedral.


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Joshua Tree National Park, California – May 2012

Roman and I posing in front of a Joshua tree.

Two of our closest friends were getting engaged, so we hightailed it out to California to be there for the special event (which was a surprise to one of the parties and so much fun!) which took place in the beautiful Joshua Tree National Park.  It was a wonderful day of hiking, excitement, and wonderful company! 

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Roman leans against the rocks. Petroglyphs – not authentic but neat nonetheless! Each tree was so unique!



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IAATE Conference, Minnesota Zoo – February 2012

A beautiful king vulture.

I had the enjoyment of being an artist vendor at the IAATE (International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators) conference when it was hosted locally by the folks at the Minnesota Zoo.  I was able to get away from my table on zoo day to get a behind-the-scenes tour of their bird facilities, collection, and how they run their educational shows for the public. It was a wonderful experience with a great group of people!

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One of the prettiest red-tail hawks I’ve ever seen. An adult harris hawk. Spectacled owl.



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